Monday, September 15, 2008

--SD went running, said Morning Prayer with Dad
--We read Catherine Vos Story Bible and discussed
--We read two chapters of Mrs. Frisby &...
--We discussed all the subjects and activities to be fit into the day and whether we should schedule them...decided that at least SD should not go back to bed after Dad leaves, and the rest of us need to get up and join him at 8:00 a.m. (a stretch for Mr. D). Which means going to bed on time!
--We reviewed basics of note reading (All cows eat grass, etc.)
--Mr. D labelled a staff with the notes
--SD read Harry Potter for an hour+
--SD practiced piano
--Mr. D read The Castle in the Attic (30 min?)
--Mr. D practiced piano
--Mr. D played reviewed math facts on FunBrain
--both boys had their first piano lesson with their new teacher and liked her very much!
--SD reworked his paragraphs on magic, after discussion about what his main idea really was:

Ever since I saw my first Criss Angel episode, I've been hooked on magic. It's just fascinating that an easy card trick can blow someone's mind! When I perform a trick, people become puzzled and surprised. A simple magic trick can really impress an audience. I keep practicing in hopes that one day, I'll be a professional magician.

--SD practiced magic tricks
--Mr. D read to Chicklet and Bantam3

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